* = Required field

    Check-In Date*

    ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival)*
    Despite not having reception, we will try our best to welcome you in person being at the property 30 mins before the time provided until 30 mins after, if you change your schedule please let the staff know +447857263438 or staff@manusplace.com

    Number of guests*

    ID document*

    Upload ID*

    If for some reason you cannot upload your ID document, a copy must be sent via SMS, MMS, Email or WhatsApp.
    We are quiet happy to collect your ID document from any link you supply via Dropbox, Onedrive, Drive..
    Please note KEY CODES FOR THE APARMENTS will not be sent until your ID document and registration has been received.

    Emergency contact details (Field not required but advisable)

    Who shall we contact in case of emergency and some contact details please

    Terms and Conditions (T&C):
    Please check our terms and conditions (T&C) before accepting. Here it's a graphic summary:

    smoking forbidden
    Smoking not allowed (Up to £200 surcharge)

    smoking forbidden
    Party not allowed (We reserve the right to stop our services immediately)

    smoking forbidden
    Quiet time after 10pm (Local authorities will be contacted)

    smoking forbidden
    Mess not allowed (Extra cleaning fee apply)